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Cancer is a disease that strikes fear into people's hearts.

Fundamentally, cancer is caused by the condensation of impure energy. To maintain good health, it's essential to address the root causes of cancer. Cancer isn't as frightening as it may seem. From a Daoist perspective, there's a clear path to treating cancer, and it's highly effective.

Tumors result from the condensation of impure energy.

In the universe, there is both pure and impure energy. Pure energy rises to form the heavens, while impure energy descends to create the earth.

In today's society, there are three major factors contributing to cancer:

1. Emotional stress leads to toxicity.

2. Carcinogens in food due to chemical processing.

3. Depletion of vital energy leads to cancer.

Human survival is instinctual. Once diagnosed with cancer, many people opt for treatment without much thought, which has created the current healthcare scenario: individuals with limited financial means resort to online crowdfunding, the middle class may exhaust their resources for treatment, and the affluent seek overseas treatments.

However, even those who have reached a dead-end are increasingly turning to Taoist temples. God of Wealth Temple in Melbourne, in particular, offers not only ancient Taoist healing techniques but also serves as a sanctuary for many.

In Taoist healing, even in the advanced stages of cancer, it's believed that karmic obstacles are involved. Addressing these debts to the past can significantly benefit the patient. While settling karmic debts cannot cure cancer, it can alleviate the patient's condition because karmic creditors tend to exacerbate suffering during illness.

Furthermore, even after one's passing, these karmic debts and creditors persist and can cause discomfort in the afterlife. Therefore, settling karmic debts is not only suitable for living but also beneficial for those who have passed away. Are there suitable Taoist rituals for this? Essentially, they provide a means for patients to repent, cleanse their karmic debts, and seek divine intervention, which can dispel misfortunes, grant blessings, and extend life. Many patients have reported improved health after visiting the God of Wealth Temple.

Taoist fasting, historically, is not a medical technique. Fasting is intended to transform life energy, elevate one's state of being, and change the form of life. However, for patients, it's indeed an excellent form of therapy.

For instance, cancer doesn't emerge suddenly; it requires a conducive environment to grow. Fasting is primarily focused on cleansing and adjusting the body's internal environment, clearing the accumulated waste in the body over the years, and elevating the body's inner energy level to achieve a state of "righteousness, where evil cannot intrude." This is the path to natural recovery.

Approach traditional culture with reverence, and approach life itself with respect. Heaven and Earth form a great unity, and every individual is a universe. Life inherently holds the profound Dao and eternal power.

In conclusion, may the world be free from cancer!

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