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Point Seven Star Lamp? Taoist Mystical Spell for Longevity

The question of death is the ultimate human quandary. Many people spend their entire lives seeking an answer to this enigma, often in vain. It's so mysterious, instilling a deep sense of fear that compels people to go to great lengths to evade it. Throughout history, there have been countless individuals in pursuit of immortality.

In reality, a spell for extending one's life does exist within Taoism - the Seven Star Lamp life-prolonging technique. Taoism places significant importance on worshipping the Big Dipper constellations, with the belief that the 'Northern Dipper presides over death while the Southern Dipper governs life.' When a person is born, they pass through the Northern Dipper. The Northern Dipper deity is responsible for matters of death, and by paying homage to the Northern Dipper, one can achieve Tao and attain immortality, erasing their name from the list of the deceased for eternity. The Southern Dipper, on the other hand, is associated with sustaining life, often referred to as the 'Longevity Bureau.' Paying homage to the Southern Dipper can enhance one's lifespan.

The Taoist scripture 'Yunjisi Jian · Bing sheng Shouming Bu' mentions, 'When conceived, the seven stars descend to protect the infant, guarding its body. The energies of the seven stars congeal into one above the person's head, three feet above their crown. When one does well, the starlight is large and bright; when one does evil, the star becomes dim and small. Accumulate virtue, and blessings come; accumulate sin, and calamities arise. When the starlight dims and extinguishes, it signifies the person's impending death.'

In essence, a person's seven spirits correspond to the seven stars in the sky, and when the energies of these seven stars merge to form a person, the light of the seven stars remains constantly above their head. However, when the light of the seven stars gradually fades, it signals the person's imminent passing.

Hence, the 'Seven Star Lamp' spell for extending life is born from this belief."

Here are two real-life examples of individuals who used the Seven Star Lamp technique to extend their lives:

Liu Bowen, the Military Strategist of Zhu Yuanzhang: Liu Bowen was an extraordinary figure in Chinese history, often mentioned alongside legendary figures like Zhuge Liang. He was known for his remarkable prophetic abilities, with a saying that goes, "Knowing five centuries ahead, and understanding five centuries later." People still read his prophetic work, "The Pancake Song," to this day.

Liu Bowen himself was a highly legendary character in Chinese history. Not only was he well-versed in various Taoist practices and arts, but he also authored "The Pancake Song." This work, along with the "Tui Bei Tu" (The Atlas of the Back), is considered the pinnacle of Chinese prophecy books.

According to historical records, even before Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, had unified China, Liu Bowen had a premonition that his life would not be long. As a result, he resorted to the "Seven Star Lamp" religious ceremony in an attempt to extend his life. Remarkably, this attempt was successful. Liu Bowen not only gained an additional 12 years of life but also assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in defeating his enemies, including Chen Youliang.

These real-life examples highlight the belief in the efficacy of the Seven Star Lamp technique for extending one's lifespan.

The renowned "Feng Shui master" Yu Zhi Lin from Hong Kong disclosed that the family of Macau's gambling tycoon, Stanley Ho, once offered him a reward of five million for his assistance in lighting the Seven Star Lamp to extend Stanley Ho's life. After performing the ritual, just when it seemed that Stanley Ho was on the brink of a dire situation, his condition gradually improved, and his health became stable, leading to an extension of his life by ten years.

The Seven Star Lamp life-prolonging technique in Taoism has a more colloquial and non-professional name known as "Bai Dou," which means paying respects to the Big Dipper. The most stringent requirement for "Bai Dou" is that the seeker must have a pure heart. The brighter one's starlight, the stronger the connection. Influenced by traditional Chinese culture, the best way to make one's starlight shine brighter is to start from within, by doing good deeds and fostering a happy state of mind. When a person's inner self is filled with joy, their inner light shines brightly. When this is combined with the act of "Bai Dou," remarkable results can be achieved.

The God of Wealth Temple in Melbourne is home to a group of seasoned Taoist priests who possess deep knowledge of Taoist secrets. They have dedicated many years to practice and research, accumulating not only profound religious wisdom but also rich practical experience, including conducting rituals for the Seven Star Lamp life-prolonging technique. In addition to this, the priests at the temple also offer customized ceremonies and rituals for anyone in need.

If you or someone you know is seeking assistance with the Seven Star Lamp life-prolonging technique, the God of Wealth Temple in Melbourne is undoubtedly a worthwhile choice. The temple's priests will continue to promote the wisdom of Taoism, offering spiritual solace and guidance to everyone, so they can receive blessings from the divine and thrive under the divine's protection.

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